Sunday, February 28, 2010

Al Gore...

...need I say more?

Is the planet warming? Maybe.

If so, is it due to human activity? Maybe.

If so, what can the United States do about it? Nothing.

That's right, my fellow Americans - nothing!

You can drive all the Japanese Prius hybrids you can find. You can put up all the windmills you can build. You can kill off each and every farting cow roaming the pastures of Wisconsin.

And still, it won't make a dent - make that a dimple - in the "problem".

You see, my friends, we're a nation of around 310 million (probably 340 million, if you count illegals) and we can't possibly counteract the actions of 5 billion crazed carbon-burners now, can we?

Read Bound to Burn here.

Read an op-ed by Chicken Little Al Gore here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

United States Tax Code

Hardly natural that someone would fly a plane into a building full of IRS workers, is it? Crazy, wasn't it?

What is natural - and not so crazy - though, is the growing frustration over our country's tax code. It's complicated. It's unfair. It's a source of frustration for millions of good people in our country.

What are the chances we will ever see meaningful change in the way we're taxed? Sadly, we all know the answer to that one.

Think of all the people with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

Eliminating the income tax, and the IRS, would mean great things for our nation as a whole, but the idea would be fought - tooth and nail - by special interests.

Have you thought about what would happen if our country were to eliminate the income tax?

If, instead, we collected taxes on the consumption end - rather than on the earning end?

Wouldn't it be better to have a national sales tax, instead of an income tax?

What would happen to all those dependent on the current system?

Of course, 100,000 people employed by the IRS would instantly be out of work. Don't forget the tax preparers that would also be out of business. It wouldn't just be H&R Block and TurboTax, either. Thousands of individuals that handle tax returns for a little extra cash would be finished, too.

Think of all the other jobs that rely on the American Sheeple to send in their tax returns every year! Even in the electronic age, printers still print the forms, postal workers still handle the returns, and folks in personnel still crank out W-2's each January.

How about when things go wrong and the IRS is breathing down your neck? You'll want a tax attorney, right? How about a CPA? If/when the time comes to settle up, will you use a tax negotiator?

Billions of dollars in income are untaxed in our country. Those folks who work "off the books" still have to consume, don't they? Can you imagine the boost in revenue if hookers, dope dealers, illegal aliens, etc. were actually taxed?

If we replace the income tax with a national sales tax, everyone - rich and poor - will have to pay their fair share.

Millions in our country don't pay any income tax whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands depend on our current tax system for their livelihoods.

Wanna know what's really crazy? Isn't it a little bit crazy that so many of us are actually

hoping for change?

History Rewrite

Isn't is amazing that history can be rewritten so easily? Take the new book, "The Last Train from Hiroshima" by Charles Pellegrino.

The claim is that the blast over Hiroshima was a "dud".

Some dud!

Pellegrino was duped by one Joseph Fuoco, who claimed an accident before the bombing run had resulted in Little Boy being about half-strength at the time of detonation. Read more here.

“I’m stunned,” Mr. Pellegrino said. “I liked and admired the guy. He had loads and loads of papers, and photographs of everything.”

The public record has to be repaired, he added. “You can’t have wrong history going out,” he said. “It’s got to be corrected.”

Good for Pellegrino! He's going to fix the error. How often does this sort of thing happen and it's never retracted/corrected?

A few hundred years from now, will children be taught that Jesus was gay? After all, Sir Elton John said so...
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