Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Keep your friends close...

...and your enemies closer. Scams and lies come from the left and they come from the right. Fibbers are everywhere!

Now that I'm up to ten (10) regular readers, let's assume that at least a few (three or four?) lean toward the political extremes.

Whether you're a right-winger or a left-winger, you cannot do your "cause" justice by reading only material written by others from similar viewpoints.

You must, at least occasionally, read material from the opposition.

Even though I don't often link to sites with views opposite mine, I do visit them and keep up with what the "other guy/gal" is up to.

You should too.

Think the health care bill signed into law last week was the greatest thing since sliced bread? Just so you'll know why a majority of Americans are opposed to the new law, you ought to take a look at last month's Imprimis article on the subject. Read it here.

Americans understand that the problems facing our health care system today, real as they are, can be addressed without nationalizing one-sixth of the American economy and moving us past the tipping point toward a European-style social welfare state. They know that we can solve these problems while at the same time remaining a free society and acting consistently with the principles that have made us the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth. It is our duty now as their representatives to come together and do so.

Unfortunately, health care reform was passed and good old Uncle Sam is in charge of yet another aspect of our lives...

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Here's a comment I just posted on this morning's "Dragging Us Down":

I understand that many of you are new to the site. My nine regular readers understand that I'm an independent that didn't vote for Bush. I didn't vote for Obama, either.

Both are liars who have managed to take away our freedoms. My rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been seriously damaged by the federal government under their watch.

This didn't start with Bush and it won't end with Obama. It's a system the two major parties have set up to keep the common man down. It will work as long as we continue to send our money to Washington and "hope" for something in return.

I've never attended a "Tea Party", nor will I.

My site is here to point out the scammers and liars that are damaging our way of life.

Whether it's something as minor as a bogus product like "Head-On" or as major as the government take-over of private businesses, it's all part of a pattern of lies and distortions.

I'll ask Dee this:

Do you think illegal immigration is a good thing for the United States?

It's a simple yes or no question.

Yes, or no?

Even the illegal aliens themselves know the answer is "no".

It's only logical that illegal immigration hurts any country, that's why almost every civilized nation on Earth has laws prohibiting it.

Legal immigration, on the other hand, is good for our country. That's why we have laws that allow/regulate legal immigration.

If you honestly think illegal immigration is okay, leave the front door to your home wide open and don't lift a finger to stop anyone from waltzing into your kitchen and eating you out of house and home.

Don't say a thing when someone else is in your bed. If someone opens up the garage and drives off with your Prius, just let them go.

If you're not willing to do things like that at your own home, you must be a racist, right?

Dragging Us Down

Illegal immigration is eroding our standard of living here in the United States of (Sc)America.

Maybe you've been reading b.s. like this and this.

Maybe you think the people who broke into our country are going to "Rebuild the American Economy", right?

Maybe you think illegal immigration has actually improved our standard of living here and that bringing more immigrants into our country would be a good thing. Are you serious?

If so, you are so far removed from reality that you can no longer be helped. Go immediately to the nearest nuthouse and commit yourself. Just like they're telling you about health care reform, it'll be for the good of the country...

Barack Hussein Obama and John Sidney McCain III are teaming up in the "path to citizenship" scam that will help turn our nation into a turd-world country.

People here illegally did not come to America to become Americans. They came to America to take advantage of Americans.

They've discovered that we will accept the lowering of our standards in return for the cheap, untrained labor they provide.

By hiring illegal aliens to mow our lawns, milk our cows, pour our concrete, and roof our houses, we're able to keep our young people out of those "menial" jobs, right?

That way they've got more time to update their Facebook pages...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time to Lighten the Mood

from xkcd

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Our nation is no longer creeping toward socialism.

Rather, we are speeding toward it like a runaway Toyota!

Whatever your political views, you cannot deny this fact. It started with FDR and continued with LBJ. Now, final steps toward socialism are being put in place under BHO.

The health care reform package being rammed down our throats will:
  • result in lower quality health care,
  • allow your tax dollars to fund abortion,
  • grant coverage to tens of millions of illegal aliens,
  • raise costs for the average American,
  • grant special exceptions/privileges to a handful of states,
  • raise taxes for the average American,
  • increase dependency on the federal government, and
  • ultimately bankrupt our country.

It's likely this bill will pass. Once the president signs it into law, I think you'll see plenty of flags flying upside down around our country.

Americans who had hoped our country would reverse course are disgusted with this "final straw".

I'm calling on Americans to fly their flags upside down, not only as a protest against this bill, but as a sign of distress. Our republic is in peril.

Our nation is being led down a road that means the erosion of our freedoms and sentences our children and grandchildren to a life as servants to Big Brother.

Read more on flying flags upside down here.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Not Free Credit Report Dot Com

If they weren't making money hand over fist, they couldn't afford to advertise, now could they?

So, how do they earn a profit with a name like FreeCreditReport.com? They sell you all kinds of extras you don't need! It's a brilliant scam, isn't it?

They sure don't want you to know uou can check your credit score three times each year - for FREE!

Time for the facts...pun intended.

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) was signed into law in December 2003. The FACT Act, a revision of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, allows consumers to get one free comprehensive disclosure of all of the information in their credit file from each of the three national credit reporting companies once every 12 months through a Central Source. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) was signed into law in December 2003. The FACT Act, a revision of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, allows consumers to get one free comprehensive disclosure of all of the information in their credit file from each of the three national credit reporting companies once every 12 months through a Central Source.

Each of the three (3) credit reporting agencies are supposed to give you a free annual report on your credit rating. If you're able to divide the twelve (12) months in a year into three (3) equal parts, you're all set. That's right, you can check with a different agency every four (4) months...free of charge.

For example, you might want to get a report from Experian in March, one from Equifax in July, and another from TransUnion in November.

It's all under one "roof" at AnnualCreditReport.com. Visit that site here and don't spend a dime to track your credit.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Occam's razor

While it's not always the case, most of the time the simplest explanation is the correct one. Read about it here.

Do you really believe that extraterrestrials had nothing better to do than build pyramids on Earth?

Of course not!

Surely there are more exciting things to see and do in the universe than build stone pyramids in sand-covered Egypt, right?

Do you really believe that humans had such a limited knowledge of mathematics, physics, etc. that they could not have constructed these monuments themselves?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

got geometry?

Waiting for aliens to make crop circles in that wheat field down the lane?

I've got news for you:

Extraterrestrials are not going to travel across the emptiness of space just to create a work of art down in your back forty.

Repeat after me: If it is to be, it is up to me!

You and your buddies will need:
  1. ropes,
  2. poles,
  3. boards
  4. headlamps (you are working at night, right?),
  5. a couple of hours (depending on your design), and
  6. a plan.

Learn more here.

Forgot one more thing you may need.

Unless you have permission to destroy a farmer's crop, you may need bail money.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Must Buy!

Ever wonder what the wack-job conspiracy theorists are doing to our country (and world)?

There's no doubt they've had a great influence on how the average person shapes - and lives in - his/her "reality".

David Aaronovitch has written a book about this subject called Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History.

Learn about - and order - the book on Amazon here.

Listen to Aaronovich's appearance on NPR's All Things Considered here.

An article with comments is here.

I know it's not a big deal, but...

...a little scam I remember from years ago was the brainchild of the Proctor & Gamble company.

They sold Zest as a product (not a soap, mind you) that didn't leave a film like soap (supposedly) did.

Bullcorn!! I never felt as "filmy" as I did after using Zest.

I can't be the only one that didn't buy into their advertising scam, right? Right? Hello? Anyone out there?

Okay, back to more important issues...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Thirty years from now, what will historians call this stage in our slide toward socialism?

It's a fact that our nation is moving rapidly toward becoming a socialist country.

It all started with Roosevelt's New Deal and really picked up steam with Johnson's Great Society. Now, we've got Obama taking over automobile companies, banks, insurance, and health care.

The founding fathers believed in freedom/independence. They fought to give us freedom/independence. We've squandered that gift. We should be ashamed of ourselves for that.

The saying used to be "Better dead than Red". We were going to fight the commies with everything we had, weren't we?

What's so different now? Isn't our own government behaving just like the Soviets? Those same Russians we were committed to nuking into oblivion?

We cannot claim to be free when we are dependent on the government for nearly everything.

If we continue down this road toward socialism, almost every American will one day need the government to control their lives from the cradle to the grave.

Health care, education, employment, and retirement needs will all be "dispensed" by the United States Government.

What's that you say? Yeah, we're pretty much already there...

Another Hatin' Lib

There appears to be quite a contrast in how the "holier than thou" crowd talks versus how they behave.

Take, for instance, Mr. Smarty-Pants, a.k.a. Steve Bremner. His profile:

I run a lot. I get outdoors as much as I can. I read and I think. I love intellectual confrontation. I'm a liberal secular humanist atheist who speaks French (and German). I am the opposite of the "Christian Right".

"I love intellectual confrontation."

Really, Steve? I left a comment on your blog with a link to my post called "Al Gore..."

Your response? First, you failed to post my comment. Next, you sent me an e-mail that said:

Crap. You're an idiot.

"I read and I think."

Honestly, Steve? How much of the information I provided did you read and think about?

So much for the liberal secular humanist atheist that loves intellectual confrontation...
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